Juno Books

Euryale by Kara Dalkey

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"This singularly interesting fantasy...Her understanding of characters from the past and their motivations is very nearly at the level off a such as classical historical novelist as Mary Renault, with a talent to arouse full empathy in the modern reader". -- Booklist

"...quietly written, moving narrative...[with] emotional intrigue in plenty...Kara Dalkey is a writer of unusual strength and versatility..." -- Dragon

Historical Fantasy
ISBN-10: 0809557835
ISBN-13: 978-0809557837
256 pages, $12.95
Publication Date: May 2007

Fantasy, magic, mystery and romance deftly woven into a story of gods and monsters, dark secrets and strange omens...

Veiled against the world, and served only by the blind and short-sighted, Euryale comes to Republican Rome seeking the answer to the riddle: "What can change stone into living flesh?" A witch might help her, but only if Euryale is willing to sacrifice the living in order to bring life to stone. A handsome Chaldean philosopher may possess the answer, but she must trust him with all her secrets in order to gain the solution to her dilemma.

Such are the dangers of forbidden love.

"The versatile Dalkey...has done an excellent job of making her characters believable people, living ordinary lives in ancient Rome..." -- Locus

About the author

Kara Dalkey has written fifteen novels and a dozen short stories, all fantasy, historical fantasy or science fiction. Her work has been nominated for the Tiptree and the Mythopoeic Fantasy Awards. Dalkey's most recent publications are Water, a trilogy of Young Adult novels she describes as "the Atlantis and Arthurian myths mixed in a blender." Her most recent short stories have appeared in the Firebirds anthologies and Tales of the Slayer II. Her current project is an alternate history/fantasy set in early California. A native of Los Angeles, Kara now lives in the Seattle area, land of coffee lovers, writers, musicians and other creative eccentrics, where she feels right at home.

Kara Dalkey
Juno Books
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